17 Winter Skin-Care Routine Essentials, According to Dermatologists

Winter has officially kicked off, and with colder months comes a change in humidity, exposure to indoor heaters, and blustery winds that actually can make skin feel drier and look duller. In order to guard against cold weather-induced concerns like dryness and flaky skin, you may need to make a few adjustments to your winter skin-care routine. Thankfully, combatting wintertime’s cold, dry air won’t require an entirely new, luxury regimen — all you need is a few dermatologist-approved recommendations to keep you and your skin covered until spring.

Barrier Repair Is Skin Care’s Hot Topic—Here Are 15 Restorative Products for Stronger Skin

As the body’s outermost line of defense, the skin barrier serves a key protective function. A new crop of formulas promises to strengthen skin by replenishing lipids and bringing the microbiome back into balance.

Hair Removal Devices & Formulations

Humans are, for the most part, hairy. And just how much hair, and where on one’s body and face it appears, is ever changing. For the last 2.6 million years or so, men and women have been looking for hair removal devices to achieve their desired look, often influenced by societal norms and changing grooming styles.

The 15 Best Over-the-Counter Scalp Psoriasis Treatments, According to Dermatologists

It’s pretty safe to say that scalp problems of any nature, including itchiness and flaking, are extremely annoying to anyone who suffers from them. But scalp psoriasis — a common condition characterized by thick, red, scaly patches of skin that can cover the entire scalp and be chronic — is arguably the most painful and inconvenient. Thankfully, there are quite a few dermatologist-approved over-the-counter scalp psoriasis treatments that come in the form of oils, ointments, shampoos, and more topical treatments to soothe irritable psoriasis symptoms.

The 15 Best Shea Butter Products That’ll Prevent Winter Dryness

Trendy skin-care ingredients come and go, but one that seems to stick around our beauty routines is shea butter. In case you aren’t familiar, this popular ingredient is known for its ultra-moisturizing properties and is a tried-and-true treatment for dry skin.

11 Skin-Care Trends Everyone Will Be Talking About In 2023

Uncovering beauty trends, particularly if they are skin-care related, is one of the most joyful parts of my job as a beauty writer. From trying out DIY skin-care hacks to talking to top dermatologists, I can’t get enough when it comes to learning about skin — and it seems I’m not the only one.

Do You Actually Need A Facial Steamer? Benefits, Risks & How To Use It

Skin care does not need to be fancy—you can absolutely get by with a simple cleanse, treat, moisturize regimen.

13 Best Ferulic Acid Serums for Brighter Skin, According to Dermatologists

It’s almost 2023, and by now, I’m willing to bet that you’ve seen or heard of ferulic acid, especially because it’s almost always found alongside its BFF, vitamin C. But as for wtf a ferulic acid serum actually does?

All the Beauty Treatments You Should Do This Winter — and Why

There’s nothing like the cozy feeling that winter brings — think dressing in oversized knit sweaters, fleece-lined boots, and spending weekend afternoons binge-watching Netflix fireside. It’s also the perfect time to indulge in beauty treatments, especially the ones that require hiding out at home as the skin recovers.